At Earth Strength are always delighted to host articles from fellow movement mavericks.
We extend a warm welcome to Sifu Ray Carbullido, a Qigong and Bagua master from Hawaii.
Ray will be running a three day masterclass hosted by Earth Strength in Spain from the 29-31 May. More details can be found at the end of this piece.
Here Ray shares with us his understanding of the relationship between the inner landscape and how we move our bodies:
The key to any high level performance is to skillfully operate from ones center.
What does this mean to you?
When I speak of high level performance I am not only referring to physical or athletic activities. I am referring to the ability to act with sincerity, composure, and elegance in the presence of any form of stress (physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual) in all arenas of life. Achieving this level of skill is an organic, non-linear, and repetitive process that begins at birth and lasts your entire lifetime.
Every physical object has a center of gravity. Once the shape of an object changes so does its center. If you are able to walk and move about your environment, this indicates that you have some semblance of your physical center. This center is dynamic. It adjusts to the conditions that you are in. Consider standing on a moving train or riding a skateboard. Failure to adjust to the movement and momentum of the vehicle will result in a loss of balance.
To increase the intelligence of your center you must focus your efforts into knowing more about your shape and how it is connected to the things around you. The most obvious place to begin is through our physical shape as this is the bridge between your being and the outside world.
As babies, we were guided to sit up and walk. This was the beginning of the process to know ourselves. As we got older and engaged in activities, the other components of our shape/being revealed themselves… our emotional, mental, and possibly our spiritual shapes. Understanding these components and what they do is a bit more difficult due to their intangible nature and constant flux.
Every experience in your life, however, is rich with data to help you understand the whole of your shape/being.
Reflecting on your life experiences is an opportunity for you see your shape with all its components and its relationship with the things around you. Asking the following questions upon reflecting on an experience may help you to see yourself a bit clearer. How did I feel? What was going through my mind? How did this influence my physical body? What were the conditions surrounding me?
Deeper understanding of yourself and how you are connected to your environment will help you see your true shape. This leads you to your true center. Operating from and refining this space is the foundation of most cultivation practices.
Though this process lasts your entire lifetime, the goal and motivation are one and the same… to truly be you under any circumstance. Enjoy… .
Earth Strength hosts Ray Carbullido retreat details please click here
Sifu Ray Carbullido is a swordsman who shares the core principles of his craft through personal development workshops, fine art, talks, and retreats. All of his work focuses on Integrity and Manifesting. He has developed a four-module personal cultivation program called The MAP, which is an acronym for Manifesting Any Possibility and has conducted seminars and retreats in Japan, China, Nepal, Canada, and many cities throughout the US.
Ray has been teaching martial arts for 20 years. His training includes martial arts, healing, meditation, and shamanism. Prior to being a public speaker, Ray applied his training to being an entrepreneur, communications consultant, and art director. He is now dedicated to helping others be the best version of themselves. His first book entitled A Meaningful Life will be published this year.
For more information about Sifu Ray visit his website –
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